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A stepper component is a control component that is usually paired with content. It allows users to navigate a collection of content in a fixed space.

Key Points


[Add image of max stepper and a placeholder, should look like a mock carousel]

Steppers will always be a child component of a larger composition which is trying to display content in a fixed area.

Steppers should always be placed at the bottom of the composition and given enough space to allow a clear hit area of the controls.


Users should be able to navigate to the each item using the stepper controls.


Steppers can have two behaviours that can be set on the props of each component.

First to Last

[Image of stepper + placeholder with first or last button disabled, use a cursor to show action]

If a user is required to stop at the first or last item in a collection then the corresponding icon button should be disabled.

Infinite Loop [Image of stepper + Placeholder with last button active, use a cursor to show action]